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The 2019 World Running Trail Championship was officially presented today at the Convento de S. Francisco in Coimbra. It is confirmed that between June 6 and 9, 2019, the center of Portugal will be the center of the world in trail running. The best national and international mountain racing athletes will test the limits of their stamina in the most iconic race of the 2019 Trail World Championships. The sporting event will be part of the Trilhos dos Abutres, in Miranda do Corvo, a reference in Portugal. This candidacy was one of

Organized by the Trilhos dos Abutres, the Trail Running World Championship 2019, taking place in Portugal on 8 June, is supported by Berg as the main sponsor. Between June 7 and 9, 2019, the world championship of trail running will be played on Portuguese soil. Top athletes and mountain top athletes will cut the goal of the Trail World Championships 2019 in Miranda do Corvo in the region of Coimbra. A choice that has nothing to chance. After all, it is there that you cross the Trilhos dos Abutres, the circuit

Associação Abutrica is in a limited range of candidates for organizing the 2019 World Trail Championship. The candidate has already passed the first phase and is on a short list of candidates, and in February and March, the International Running Trail Association and the International Ultramarathon Association officials visit the locations so they can evaluate the candidate entities in person. Trilhos dos Abutres, their recognition at national and international level and the growing demand for it by foreign athletes, are some of the arguments presented by the Associação Abutrica in their application,

PROGRAM: FRIDAY - 26/01 17:00h - Opening of the Expotrail 17:30h - Opening of the Secretariat 20:30h - Trail Briefing 23:00h - Closing of the Secretariat   SATURDAY - 27/01 06:00H - Opening of the Secretariat 06:30h - PC 0 Ultra Trilhos 50 km 08:00h - Departure Ultra Trilhos 50 km 08:00h - PC 0 Trilhos 30 km 10:00h - Departure Trilhos 30 km 10:30h - Closing of the Secretariat 17:00h - Award Ceremony 18:00h - Closing of the finish line - TA30 20:00h - Closing of the finish line - UTA 50   SUNDAY - 28/01 06:30h - Opening of the Secretariat 07:00h - PC 0 Mini Trilhos 20 km  07:00h

PARTNER RESTAURANTS  FOR THE ATHLETES MEALS - DAY 26, 27 & 28TH OF JANUARY 2018 ZÉ PADEIRO Rua Arménio da Costa Simões, 48, 3220-186 Miranda do Corvo Telefone: 239 532 108 / 967 747 974   ESTAÇÃO DE SABORES de Pedro e Lesya Rua Mota Pinto Lote 10, loja A 3220-210 Miranda do Corvo Telefone: 239 538 356 / 915 495 060   OFICINA DO FRANGO Rua Mota Pinto, 157 3220-201 Miranda do Corvo Telefone: 239 059 336 / 916 245 063   CANTINHO DOS SABORES Rua do Doutor Fausto Lobo 46 3220-202 Miranda do Corvo Telefone: 239 532 215  

The Trilhos dos Abutres is right there at the door and we do not want the participants to miss anything. We want you to be at your best and to enjoy this epic trial. Proper nutrition is a strong determinant of sports performance. But sometimes the athlete does not get everything his body needs exclusively through food. And that's where the supplements come in. To do this, to help you with that extra supplementation, Prozis has prepared and made available a Supplementation Guide to prepare you. Be sure to consult this Guide here.

A Associação Abutrica, organizadora dos “Trilhos dos Abutres” e a Coimbra Business School ISCAG celebraram um protocolo de parceria estratégica com o objectivo de promover a partilha de conhecimentos e apostar na inovação e empreendorismo. Este protocolo vem dar continuidade à grande aposta por parte da Associação na diferenciação e inovação, ano após ano, e pretende-se, assim, aprofundar o conhecimento do impacto económico-social, lançando bases para uma aposta internacional dos Trilhos dos Abutres.

Technical Information: UTA50: Altimetry: TA30: Altimetry: Downtrail: Altimetry:

In the latest issue of the digital magazine Kissthemountain, the Abutres international projection has gained another dimension, with an article about our race. We believe Miranda do Corvo, Serra da Lousã and the National Trail will win. This edition also has as a highlight to the mountain legends Anton Kupricka and Kilian Jornet. #10. Nov. 16. “MAGIABLANCA” Free subscription: Sponsor: SportHG Partner: Câmara Municipal de Miranda do Corvo Turismo Centro de Portugal   The organization of theTrilhos dos Abutres has as a partner the communication company DUAS FACES, which works all the image, publications and marketing.