Abutres 2019 Trail World Championships Results
France is the great winner of the 2019 Trail World Championships held in Portugal Miranda do Corvo received the best athletes of the World of Trail Running. Portugal finished in 5th place collective men and 10th place collective women. For the second time in history, Portugal organized the 2019 World Trail Championships, a race that took place today on the tracks of Serra da Lousã, with start and finish line in Miranda do Corvo part of Trilhos dos Abutres, one of the most emblematic events of trail running in Portugal, already with
Abutres 2019 Trail World Championships Opening Ceremony
Coimbra receives, with open arms, the 2019TWC Opening Ceremony: 5 Continents, 52 National Teams and more than 500 athletes, with their representatives Portugal is, in these days, the World Capital of Trail Running, hosting the 2019 Trail World Championships, a track included in Trilhos dos Abutres, which will take place on June 8 in Miranda do Corvo. Today, on June 7, at 11 a.m. in Coimbra, there was an atmosphere of enthusiasm on the streets with the parade of the 52 national teams. The teams and their representatives started at Largo da
ATTENTION! Postponed of the Opening Ceremony
ATTENTION! Due to weather conditions, the 2019 TWC Opening Ceremony was postponed to June 7 in Coimbra at 11:00 a.m. Takes note of the information. Map to the locations of theTrail World Village, Opening Ceremony and beginning of the teams parade:
Let’s dress Miranda do Corvo to the TWC
The City Hall of Miranda do Corvo together with the Abutric Association initiated the movement "We are all Trail World Championships". This movement to support the portuguese national trail running team in particular, and the Trail World Championships in general, aims to involve the population, "dress" the city for the party and show the hospitality so typical of the Portuguese people. So join us and express your national pride by putting a flag on your window! We count on you to support our selection! Let's dress Miranda do Corvo properly!
What to see in Coimbra and Miranda do Corvo during TWC
First, a brief history of Portugal Over the centuries, Portugal was occupied by the Romans, Phoenicians, Visigoths and Moors. Portugal lived a relatively peaceful century until the XI century. The Moors were expelled by King Fernando I of Leon and Castile, Portugal was declared as an independent nation in 1143 and, in 1255, Lisbon became the nation's capital. During the XIV and XV centuries, Portugal developed as one of the most powerful nations in the world, with colonies in Brazil, Malacca, Goa and Macau. In 1755, a devastating earthquake originated a tsunami that completely
The Portuguese National Team’s “Armor” by Prozis
Prozis X-Motion range was chosen by the FPA / ATRP to dress the Portuguese team at the Trail World Championships. One of the main goals was making sure the athletes wore comfortable, reliable clothing so as to promote maximum performance. Several options were considered, and the choice fell to the specific Trail Running clothing line by Prozis: the new X-Motion range launched last February (National team equipment photo/Jersey with green and red details with the word Portugal). The key words were comfort, lightness and reliability. The ideal balance between comfort and performance
Important Information about Abutres Trail
Athletes who will participate in the 2019TWC and Ultra Trilhos dos Abutres, must keep in mind the following info: The warnings about the track, Ultra Trilhos dos Abutres (June 9) will be made at the following event (we recommend "Going"): https://www.facebook.com/events/1845103432216854/ The athletes of national teams receive the information directly by their responsible, although, there is an event only for the national teams (we recommend that you put "Going"): https://www.facebook.com/events/539086449826218/ All the information about the course, altimetry, supplies, mandatory material ..: UTA (June 9): https://trilhos.abutres.net/provas/ultra-trilhos-dos-abutres/ TWC (June 8): https://trilhos.abutres.net/trail-world-championships/2019twc/ Events Program:
Abutres playlist on Spotify
An epic event needs an epic playlist! Trilhos dos Abutres always excelled in having good music throughout their events, energy-packed music to cheer up all the athletes who are preparing to run the tracks, or who reach the finish line with accomplished mission. That's why we have created a playlist for the Abutres to accompany you in your training and / or your races, and to feel the motivation and strength of the Abutres always with you. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5yuWNjkL36OXD7xB6SbIHX?fbclid=IwAR0Cz6CHb3ACLvaOpQ6hH7KzoiLUp7M56zKGEagdAjavv_pwuND5RGG2A6Y&si=4X96GO3rQPiX5R6kWUMK7g
Confirmed National teams and Athletes
It is exponential the number of national teams and athletes registered for this challenge, with 55 teams and more than 400 athletes "on the way" of the Abutres 2019TWC, a record number in what concerns the Trail World Championships. As for the men's teams, the big highlight goes to Spain and France that appear as favorites, but Italy, Great Britain and the USA (teamwith higher number of ITRA points)arrive quite strong to this Trail World Championships. In addition to these, Romania is extremely strong, having 3 top world athletes in their
Trail World Championships video
With 9 years of Trilhos dos Abutres, we are inspired by the past, we are proud of the present and believe in the future. To all the generations of athletes who have already crossed our tracks, thank you, this is our tribute! "𝙔𝙤𝙪 𝙢𝙖𝙠𝙚 𝙞𝙩 𝙀𝙋𝙄𝘾!" A Slideshow and Cream video. Berg Outdoor An organization: Associação Abutrica Federação Portuguesa de Atletismo ITRA - International Trail Running Association International Association of Ultrarunners With the support: Câmara Municipal de Miranda do Corvo Município de Coimbra Turismo Centro de Portugal CIM Região de Coimbra Aldeias do Xisto IPDJ - Instituto Português do Desporto e Juventude, I.P. Iniciatica/Programas Co-Financiadores: Dueceira iNature Serra da