2019 Ultra Trilhos dos Abutres Results
In the World Championship tracks once again the victory stays home and the Portuguese Pedro Ribeiro is the first to cut the finish line
The open race of Trilhos dos Abutres was held today in Miranda do Corvo and the athletes ran the tracks that the day before were ran by the National Teams
The most famous tracks of Miranda do Corvo were today ran by more than 800 athletes, from more than 100 different countries. The atmosphere was festive and the public was extraordinary giving support to all who took the race today, especially in the area of Sr. da Piedade de Tábuas, where the race passes and hundreds of people gathered to cheer the brave participants.
The results have already been determined and Pedro Ribeiro took first place overall on the podium, followed by Sérgio Sá in second and João Lopes in third. Susana Rodriguez is the one who holds the 1st place women, Nádia Casteleiro in second place and Alexandra Fernandes was third in the podium.
A few words were said by the athletes of the many participating nationalities today who were cutting the finish line and describing the tracks, the most recurring adjectives were epic, indescribable, incredible and, finally, a thank you, thank you for the opportunity to have ran these tracks.
In the air, there is the suspense of what will happen in the next year of 2020 in Trilhos dos Abutres, which has an organization that every year surprises by its commitment and dedication, with a race that will certainly continue to attract hundreds to the center region of Portugal.
And so, we close this epic day!