📣 COMMUNICATION| Trilhos dos Abutres | 2023
Greetings to all athletes,
First of all, we sincerely hope you are all in good health.
“As in all religions, there are shrines, mythical places, which, due to their particular environment, make them a pilgrimage destination for all their faithful.” (“Tripas e Nortadas”, Trilhos dos Abutres 2014).
This, and many other expressions of the athletes, were essential to motivate the team work , over these twelve years, becoming what is today the Trilhos dos Abutres (TA) event. Even in critical situations, as was the last edition, with a high rate of COVID19 cases, athletes remained interested in participating in the TA, with a total of 2,798 pre-registered for 1,400 vacancies (source stopandgo.net). It has been a “fantastic journey” and an unsurpassed pleasure to receive thousands of athletes in Miranda do Corvo.
This great walk has been carried out by several people, all of them volunteers in the mission and professionals in the action. The event has generated success over all these years, difficult battles we’ve had to fight and, at the moment, due to personal and professional unavailability of the organizers, the conditions are not created to hold the event in 2023. Naturally, it was a very difficult decision for us and we apologize to all those who wanted to do one of next year’s races.
However, it is necessary to act in the present and prepare for the future, helping the sport we all love: trail running. As is the hallmark of Associação Abutrica, we will continue with our desire to innovate, in a Trail Running for All logic. In this sense, we leave 3 essential:
- We will keep the focus on trail training, creating the best conditions for our school: the Abutres Trail Running School;
- We will meet our social and environmental goals, with 2 events, on the 22nd and 23rd of October: I Inclusive Trail and II Corrida Contra o Lixo (plogging);
- We will keep our availability for projects already known, such as the High Performance Center in Trail Running, and others that may arise.
Our deep thanks to all the athletes, volunteers and partners who created this immense flame, giving wings to great flights.
We believe that we will overcome this less favorable period and return stronger in 2024.
Keep sharing your passion for running, visiting our county, touring the circuits of the Trail Running and Btt Stage Center in Vila Nova.
Good training and see you soon!
Miranda do Corvo, September 29th, 2022.
The Trilhos dos Abutres team.