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Trilhos dos Abutres, "An EPIC race". Portuguese Ultra trail Running, from Miranda do Corvo

Official presentation of the 2019 Trail World Championships

It is in this beautiful space, the House of Arts of Miranda do Corvo, that on January 11th, we will make the Official Presentation of the event of the Trail World Championship, and, most important of all, we hold the draw of the participants to participate in the edition 2019 of the UTA-Ultra Trilhos dos Abutres.

The event will be attended by the former winners of the Trilhos dos Abutres, the President of the Portuguese Athletics Federation, the President of the Portuguese Trail Running Association, as well as Trail Running World Champion, Luis Alberto Hernando!

There are only 100 places available, and those interested should reserve their place through the e-mail:

We would love to have you with us at this special moment!


>Main Sponsor:Berg Outdoor

> An organization:
Associação Abutrica | Abutres
Federação Portuguesa de Atletismo
ITRA – International Trail Running Association
International Association of Ultrarunners

> With the support:
Município de Coimbra
Turismo Centro de Portugal
Câmara Municipal de Miranda do Corvo
CIM Região de Coimbra
Aldeias do Xisto

>Co-Financing Initiative / Programs

iNature Serra da Lousã
Provere iNature
União Europeia

>Sponsors: Prozis

TWC is EcoEvento, a distinction awarded by ERSUC

>Media Partners: Running Magazine

>Local Partners: Diário de Coimbra

>Digital /Technical Partner:
Xtrail Running Forum

>Thanks to:
Associação de Trail Running de Portugal
Associação Distrital de Atletismo de Coimbra