A Associação Abutrica tem o imenso orgulho em informar que o filme “Abutres 2019 Trail World Championship“, filme produzido pela Slideshow, Lda em parceria com a Cream Sports Agency para activação do Abutres 2019 TWC, está nomeado para a categoria de “Melhor Filme de Turismo (Competição Nacional)”, no ART & TUR – International Tourism Film Festival.
The Abutrica Association is proud to report that the movie “Abutres 2019 Trail World Championship“, a film produced by Slideshow, Lda in partnership with Cream Sports Agency for activation of the Abutres 2019 TWC, is nominated for the “Best Tourism Movie” category (National Competition)” at the ART & TUR – International Tourism Film Festival.
With 9 years of Trilhos dos Abutres, this was a movie inspired by the past, proud of the present and belief in the future.
To all generations of athletes who have come our tracks, thank you, this was our tribute! “𝙔𝙤𝙪 𝙢𝙖𝙠𝙚 𝙞𝙩 𝙀𝙋𝙄𝘾!”
The winner of this category is decided by the public by direct voting, so everyone is invited to vote at https://tourfilm-festival.com/votacao-publica-1/
At 9th of October will end the voting and we will know the results.