2021 Abutres Edition Communication
“Abutricas” Greetings to all athletes,
We hope, and wish, that everyone is healthy and safe.
Due to the pandemic situation we are experiencing, and its future unpredictability, both in society, in general, and in sports events, in particular, we regret to inform you that the 2021 edition of the Trilhos dos Abutres will not take place. This difficult position stems from 4 points that we consider essential:
- The health and safety of all athletes. As you know, the event gathers about 2,000 athletes, of 19 nationalities, with an age group from 5 to 70 years old, annually. The conditions that exist so far, for advance planning, both for the organizers and for the athletes, are not compatible with public health standards. For us, cancellation is the most responsible decision to make, not forgetting that it also includes the inhabitants of the Miranda do Corvo region, exhibitors, volunteers, photographers, journalists, partners, suppliers and guests;
- We have tried, since the first edition, in 2011, to bring together conditions of excellence, providing athletes with an “athletes for athletes” race. It is true that the measures implemented were not always fully achieved, but there was always a desire to innovate for the benefit of athletes and the sport. We believe that, with this unpredictability, we were unable to guarantee, with this advance, an experience with the quality of previous editions, namely, with regard to public health standards;
- We took advantage of this long period:
– To improve some areas of action, both in the event and in the Abutrica Association in general. Establish a COVID-19 plan for the 2022 event, in case the pandemic state continues to prevail in our society;
– Focus more intensively on training young people at the Abutres Trail Running School and on our environmental commitment, presenting a solid strategy for the coming years for the progress of our sport in the national context, always through our innovative approach;
– In a 100% voluntary event, we also took the opportunity to decompress, being closer to our families, in what was 10 years of intense work, culminating in the 2019 Trail World Championships (2019TWC);
– Give more support to the partners of the Trail Running and Btt Trail Runnin Stage in Vila Nova, so that everyone continues to enjoy our trails, throughout the year.
We will schedule the 11th Abutres Trails for January 28, 29 and 30th, 2022.
However, crossing our arms has never been the motto of Associação Abutrica, which has always been committed to this modality, and which will remain focused on new and promising projects in favor of Trail Running and its importance in the national sports scene. In this sense, we are analyzing several scenarios for carrying out one or more activities for a weekend of January 2021, in order to remember the date. It is also under analysis, if case of the pandemic considerably slows down, that an evening race will be held on June 5th 2021, celebrating the 2019TWC date.
Continue to share your passion for running by visiting our county. For our part, we will continue to make you laugh and inspire you on our digital platforms, with memories from other editions.
It remains for us to thank YOU. You, who make Trilhos dos Abutres an epic race, year after year, and all our volunteers.
Good training!
We leave you with this compilation of moments of yours. Until 2022!
Miranda do Corvo, November 11, 2020.
The Trilhos dos Abutres team.