Interviews with the Male Winners of UTA
The previous UTA winners talked with us and have a lot to say!
Recommendations, 2019TWC among others, are the topics discussed.
LUÍS MOTA (2011)
Q: What distinguishes the Trilhos dos Abutres from other national races?
A: The “Abutres” were born in a simple way, in a fire station, by the advices of the charismatic trail personalities and learning of some young people of Miranda do Corvo. It is a mixture of teaching, of the most experienced and learning of young adventurers. There is hardly any athlete in Portugal who has not yet participated, or who wants to participate, in the Trilhos dos Abutres.
And of course, talking about Abutres is talking about Vitorino Coragem.
Q: What has changed for you after the victory at the Trilhos dos Abutres?
A: Changed a lot. If in the sport plan was the beginning of a career, with higher goals that I could achieve, in the personal plan was the building of a new way of life, surrounded by many valuable people.
Q: What would you recommend to those who will participate in the Trilhos dos Abutres?
A: Let them train, and yet life will not be made easy. I also recommend that you bring those who accompany you daily, family, friends and spread the mountain in support of athletes. This effort, this happiness, shared has more value!
Q: What is the specificity of your training for the Trilhos dos Abutres?
A: In December, wakes up the “Abutre Soul”. I go to the short races, to the São Silvestre races, but the daily work is with thought in the race. In practice, many times I think of the song of the “Caminheiros do Espinho”:
– I want to go, I want to go, I want to go,
– I want to go to Gondramaz …
Then “train with quality”. In the most important days of the training, I wear the jersey of one of the editions of the race, of which I am a totalista.
Q: The victory that more challenge gave you?
A: It is difficult to choose a race, fortunately there were many times when I was happy, arriving first, after many hours of work.
However, at the trail, more than the victories, is to overcome the adversities. When we are about to quit, there comes the help of friends, who dispense with their race and do not leave us behind. These are the best moments I have and I thank you.
Q: Who is your reference on the trail?
A: On the Trail, I have no reference to any athlete in particular, but I admire the work and example of many men and women.
NUNO SILVA (2013/ 2014)
Q: What distinguishes the Trilhos dos Abutres from other national races?
A: Clearly the route, the time of the year in which it is realized and the beauty of the various places through which it passes, eg: Gondramaz village, the various waterfalls, Penedos dos Corvos, etc. But, I emphasize the route, because this one stems mainly by technical rails, created in a very natural way, that is “enriched” by mud created due to rainwater.
Q: What has changed for you after the victory at the Trilhos dos Abutres?
A: Not much has changed, it was just a confirmation of my value as an athlete and clearly in a long / medium term will have contributed to the appearance of support.
Q: What would you recommend to those who will participate in the Trilhos dos Abutres?
A: Being that the race will not be held in January, but in June, I think you will not have to worry about the mud! Therefore, I recommend that you pay attention to strength training and functional training, so you will be better prepared to go beyond the technical zones.
Q: Who do you think are the biggest candidates to win the 2019TWC? Why?
A: Saying a name is tricky, but it would undoubtedly mention the Spanish team (M / F), it’s the strongest national team, and from here both male and female winners can emerge. Jonathan Albon and Ragna Debats are also two other very strong candidates, with results more than evidence in technical competitions. I must also point out the Portuguese André Rodrigues, he can have his opportunity here, because he is in excellent physical shape, is motivated and knows the trail “blindfolded”.
Q: Are you planning to participate in the 2019 event? WHY?
A: No. In the TWC no, because I do not integrate the National team, and in the open race I do not intend to participate, because personally for me Trilhos dos Abutres are in January!
Q: What do you think about the Serra da Lousã and all its surroundings at the Trilhos dos Abutres?
A: The Serra da Lousã is a mountain range of low altitude, with very sheltered areas, which allows you to train all year round, making it very easy to access. And Trilhos dos Abutres knew how to value this in the best way, interconnecting the mountain range and the people of Miranda do Corvo.
Q: What distinguishes the Trilhos dos Abutres from other national races?
A: The Abutres brand images are the technical part of some of their trails and the conditions of the terrain where the race unfolds. The Abutres are held at the end of January and therefore the weather conditions add an extra difficulty to the course. The mud is part of the Abutres.
Q: What has changed for you after the victory at the Trilhos dos Abutres?
A: For me it has not changed, I’m still the same person I was. The difference may have arisen only by the way people look at me, I can no longer go unnoticed.
Q: What would you recommend to those who will participate in the Trilhos dos Abutres?
A: Once the race is scheduled to take place in June, the floor will be much drier than in January. That way, the grip will be better and the progression faster. Pay attention to the initial rhythm, since the start of the race invites great rhythms and the difficulties are located after the first third of the race. Take a little care in the more technical descents.
Q: What was the highlight of your career on the trail? Why?
A: The most striking moment for me was the second place in the 100km of São Mamede, Portalegre in 2014. It was unexpected and at the same time one of the greatest learning that I had in a race.
Q: What can foreign nations teams expect from this Trilhos dos Abutres?
A: If the course is the same as the last years, it will be a complete course. It has a very fast start followed by two somewhat technical zones and a quick, though technical, end part. There are no steep slopes, they are quite progressive. It’s a fun course.
Q: In your opinion, what is missing for Portugal to grow and to affirm itself more in this sport?
A: Portugal has all the conditions to assert itself at the trail running. It has excellent geographical and climatic conditions for the practice of the sport. It has the human potential to have great athletes.
There is a lack of serious cooperation between the various actors in the modality for its growth. Race organizers, athletes, associations / federations and teams must work together for the development of the sport and not thinking in the short term.
Q: What distinguishes the Trilhos dos Abutres from other national races?
A: In the modality, Trilhos dos Abutres is a pioneer race in Portugal and one of the oldest race of the country, and this a factor to take into account. On the other hand, the beauty of the layout and the height of the year in which it is held, are crucial points for the success of the event.
Q: What has changed for you after the victory at the Trilhos dos Abutres?
A: In sporting and personal terms nothing has changed. Winning the Ultra Trilhos dos Abutres and being part of the history of the race, which in turn is one of the largest and most competitive trail events in the country, is always good.
Q: What would you recommend to those who will participate in the Trilhos dos Abutres?
A: Know how to take advantage of the beauty of the scenario where the race unfolds.
Q: As an athlete, what would you recommend to the 2019TWC organization?
A: In terms of organization, the event is an example to be followed for any organization in Portugal, and the election for the 2019TWC is the recognition of many years of work of a reference event in the country. That what has been done so far is the reflection of the future of the next editions.
ANDRÉ RODRIGUES (2017/ 2018)
Q: What distinguishes the Trilhos dos Abutres from other national races?
A: Stay true to its original concept and the mysticism that has the mountain range of Lousã in the winter.
Q: What has changed for you after the victory at the Trilhos dos Abutres?
A: Winning the Abutres did not change much, but changed my first participation in the race. It was the second traiI race I did, and I was completely surrendered to what I experienced that day, and from there on, the trail runing became my biggest passion.
Q: What would you recommend to those who will participate in the Trilhos dos Abutres?
A: Enjoy the opportunity to be at the starting line of the most mythical event in Portugal, prepare very well in the previous months so that on the day of the competition you can enjoy the wonderful journey to the maximum.
Q: Which athlete do you want to keep up with at 2019TWC?
A: Since I’m going to compete in the Trail World Championships, I do not spend energy thinking about who will or will not be at the starting line, just what I and my team-mates will have to do, which is to run as fast as possible.
Q: How do you see all this mediatism around the Trilhos dos Abutres resulting from the 2019TWC organization?
A: It is fantastic for the national trail running and for the modality itself, however for Abutres, I think it turns out to be almost a “sacrifice for the modality”, because besides losing some of their identity due to international impositions, the return will be greater for the whole environment than for the organization itself, in my opinion.
Q: Do you think that Portugal has exceptional conditions for the trail running? Why?
A: We have some places with exceptional conditions, as in the case of Serra da Lousã, where the race is held. This, coupled with top organizations, means that, although somewhat limited by our geography, we are already a reference in terms of organization of races worldwide.
Main sponsor:
Berg Outdoor
An organization:
Associação Abutrica
Federação Portuguesa de Atletismo
ITRA – International Trail Running Association
International Association of Ultrarunners
With the support:
Câmara Municipal de Miranda do Corvo
Município de Coimbra
Turismo Centro de Portugal
CIM Região de Coimbra
Aldeias do Xisto
Iniciativa/Programas Co-Financiadores:
iNature Serra da Lousã
Provere iNature
União Europeia
Local Sponsors:
Água de Luso
Piclima Lda.
Crédito Agricola
Intermarché Miranda do Corvo
Pingo de Mel
Grupo Isidoro
Local partners:
Junta de Freguesia de Miranda do Corvo
Junta de Freguesia de Vila Nova
Baldios de Vila Nova
Bombeiros Voluntários de Miranda do Corvo
Media Partners:
Running Magazine
Authorized Chinese Communications Partner:
Grittao Sports
Media Local Partners:
Diário de Coimbra
Diário das Beiras
Digital /Technical Partner:
Xtrail Running Forum
Correr Por Prazer
Revista Trail Running
Race partner:
Ultra Sanabria by Stages
Thanks to:
Associação de Trail Running de Portugal
Associação Distrital de Atletismo de Coimbra
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