National championship highlights Portuguese athletes
The Trilhos dos Abutres will be, for the first time, Campeonato Nacional de Trail Ultra of the Associação de Trail Running de Portugal..
The word that best defines the organization every year is: overcoming!
The Abutrica Association aims, precisely, to surpass the Trail World Championships hosted in 2019 and to highlight the Portuguese athletes who, in this 10th edition, will travel “the best course of all editions, with the fusion of the Trail Running World Championships course. and the classic Ultra Trilhos dos Abutres. ”
The organization, which receives many accolades every year, believes that it is necessary to boost the sport in Portugal, and works to make this National Championship also EPIC, from the experience that will provide Trail Runners to supporters who will be heard all the way.
List of registration on UTA and the National Championship of Trail Ultra.
Ultra Trilhos dos Abutres – 01/02/2020
Trilhos dos Abutres – 01/02/2020
Mini Trilhos dos Abutres – 02/02/2020
Trilhos Júnior José Godinho – 02/02/2020
6 to 7 years old – 500m
8 to 9 years old – 1000m
10 to 11 years old – 1500m
12 to 13 years old – 2000m
14 to 15 years old – 2500m
From 31/01 to 02/02/2020